In the Practical Advanced Course, you first review the input from the Basic Course together. This way, the theory becomes more ingrained, and you can practice giving psycho-education using the symbols. After that, you delve into the focal points of trauma-sensitive support in practice. What lies beneath the behavior of traumatized target groups and how do you deal with it? How do you ensure safety, how do you co-regulate someone, and how do you set boundaries in a trauma-informed way? You’ll learn breathing and stop-dissociation techniques. And you’ll engage in creative and imaginative exercises for self-care. These exercises can also be used by you in your work with traumatized target groups.
Who can participate?
Participants who have completed the Basic Course in Trauma-Sensitive Support.
“Inspiring, practical, useful tools, things I can apply immediately.”
“Good practical tools for my work.”
€545,00 in total per person
Trauma International believes that access to trauma-informed education and professional development should not be limited by financial constraints. That’s why you will see different price ranges hereunder. We trust that you will choose the price range, according to your financial possibilities. And we also trust that if your situation allows, you will support others.
New dates coming soon
You can apply for a scholarship in case you cannot afford any of the above mentioned fees, due to living in a low-income country, harsh financial situation, refugee status without work possibilities, surviving in a war situation, etc.
Please send us your motivation. Our commission will then decide if you are eligible for this scholarship (3 scholarships per training), which is paid from the 10% extras of participants who choose to support you.
If possible, we are happy to apply for accreditation with your desired professional association.